From the HCX+ platform we can see and manage all our sites from a single portal. Here we can also see the status of all the networks we created between the sites and their operational statuses. Let's jump into migrating a workload between sites. In this demo, we will live V motion a virtual machine without any downtime from the on-premises data center to VMC on AWS SDDC, which is VMware managed public cloud. This process is very simple, as you can cherry-pick the virtual machines you would like to migrate or migrate the entire applications suggested by a migration. Or migrate all the corresponding virtual machines of the entire network or storage. HCX+ support both Vsphere networks or NSX overlay networks from the source side. On target side, you have the flexibility to pick the target compute network and storage. HCX+ Platform provides a lot of other optional flexibility, from upgrading the VMtools while migrating the virtual machines or running the custom script in the operating system. Pre and post-migration. All these capabilities without installing any agent on the workloads or causing any disruption to the business. As you can retain the Mac address, Ip address, and security tags for a continuous security posture on your workloads. In this demo video, I fast-forwarded the migration process as the virtual machine was replicating on the target side. But we can see the migration was successful and can also see the step-by-step migration details in the event logs.