Search for tag: "digital healthcare"

Mit optimierter IT-Infrastruktur zum agilen digitalen Vorreiter

Mit VMware entwickelt sich ein führendes Krankenhaus in den Bereichen KI und Smart Hospital zum digitalen Vorreiter für eine ganze Branche.

From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Optimizing VMware technology to become a pioneer in healthcare.

A smart hospital becomes a digital role model for an entire industry with AI and VMware technology.

From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 221 plays 0  

The New Digital Approach to Healthcare

Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna and Sumit Dhawan, President of VMware discuss how the last 18 months of digital healthcare transformationwill shape the next five years of…

From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 69 plays 0