Search for tag: "dpu-based acceleration"

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX の概要

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX では、ホストに接続されたデータ処理ユニット(DPU)上でネットワークとセキュリティのサービスが実行されます。この概要ビデオで、この新しい VMware のソリューションのメリットをご確認ください。

From  Celia Montero 0 likes 0 plays 0  

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX 简介

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX 可用于在连接到主机的数据处理单元上运行网络和安全服务。观看此短视频,了解这一新推出的 VMware 解决方案的优势

From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 19 plays 0  

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX 簡介

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX 可在連接至主機的資料處理單元上,執行網路與安全服務。透過這支短片,探索這款新 VMware 解決方案的優勢

From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Introducing DPU-based Acceleration for NSX

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX runs networking and security services on Data Processing Units connected to hosts. Discover the benefits of this new VMware solution in this brief video.

From  Preethika Peramanathan 0 likes 542 plays 0  

Demo: Observability for All Workloads

This demo gives insight into network observabiility with DPU-based Acceleration for NSX. Discover how enhanced toplogy views and flow and packet level analysis simplify capacity planning, anomaly…

From  Preethika Peramanathan 0 likes 261 plays 0  

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX High Level Lightboard

This lightboard gives a high level overview of DPU-based Acceleration for NSX. Learn how using DPU powered NSX services enables accelerated networking, performant security, and enhanced…

From  Chandramohan Akkoni 0 likes 1,586 plays 0  

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX Deep Dive Lightboard

DPU-based Acceleration for NSX runs networking and security services on Data Processing Units connected to hosts. Learn more about the key use cases for this technology in this deep dive lightboard.

From  Chandramohan Akkoni 0 likes 955 plays 0