Search for tag: "vcdr"

L’état de l’art de la protection contre les rançongiciels : Prévention et reprise 2.0

L’adoption croissante du multicloud génère des risques de cyberattaques et d’incohérences opérationnelles. Ainsi, nous entrons dans l’ère des…

From  Aliya Ashfeen A N 0 likes 6 plays 0  

The Ransomware Defense Mindset: Prevention and Recovery 2.0

As organizations adopt multiple clouds, the attack surface grows and inconsistencies in the operating model prevail. This dynamic not only escalates the risk of cyberattacks but also…

+5 More
From  Sherly Swapna E 0 likes 16 plays 0  

VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery:オンデマンドの DRaaS

使いやすいクラウドベースの DRaaS ソリューションである VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery の概要を紹介します。VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery は、効率的なクラウド ストレージをシンプルな SaaS ベースの管理機能と組み合わせ、大規模環境で IT のレジリエンスを実現します。

From  Celia Montero 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Capametrix Assessment Tool Informational Video

Watch this informative video showcasing the capabilities of the Capametrix Assessment Tool, designed to drive pipeline growth.

From  Sarath Sake 0 likes 16 plays 0  

3.VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery - Protecting VCF Workloads

+2 More
From  Simon Momber 0 likes 14 plays 0  

VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery - 隨選災難復原即服務

取得 VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery 的概觀,以瞭解這款簡單易用的雲端式災難復原即服務解決方案。當中結合效率十足的雲端儲存和軟體即服務式管理,可大規模提供 IT 彈性。

From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 8 plays 0  

VMware Explore: VMware Cloud Flex Storage

We just concluded VMware Explore, and we were so excited to introduce VMware Cloud Flex Storage. Here’s a recap of what was discussed.

From  Yafas Hasneyan 0 likes 44 plays 0  

VMware Ransomware Recovery for VMware Cloud DR - Network Isolation

This video goes over the details of the network isolation capabilities integrated between VMware Ransomware Recovery and NSX Advanced Firewall for the VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC used as the Isolated…

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 122 plays 0  

VMware Ransomware Recovery - Guided Workflow - product demo

A brief product demonstration of the VMware Ransomware Recovery solution's guided recovery workflow capabilities and advantages.

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 183 plays 0  

VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery for Ransomware (lightboard)

Light board overview of VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR) for ransomware disaster recovery - basic VCDR product functionality

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 8 plays 0  

VMware Cloud DR - Protection Group Policies (lightboard)

Light board overview of VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR) protection group policies

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 91 plays 0  

VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC Options for DRaaS (lightboard)

Light board overview of the VMC on AWS DR site options for the SDDC

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 9 plays 0  

What is SCFS? (lightboard)

Light board video introduction to VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery's backup repository in VMware Cloud on AWS - the Scale-Out Cloud File System (SCFS)

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 229 plays 0  

What is VCDR? (lightboard)

Light board video of VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR) - VMware DR as a Service solution to VMware Cloud on AWS

From  Michael McLaughlin 0 likes 12 plays 0  

VMware Ransomware Recovery for VMware Cloud DR - NGAV / Behavior Analysis

Exploit Next Gen AV capabilities and Behavior Analysis techniques on VMs when recovering from a ransomware attack using VMware Ransomware recovery solution.

From  Michael McLaughlin 1 likes 155 plays 0  

German webinar: Disaster Recovery in der Public Cloud mithilfe von VMware VCDR – Wie sich Krombacher vor Ransomware-Attacken schützt

Disaster Recovery in der Public Cloud mithilfe von VMware VCDR – Wie sich Krombacher vor Ransomware-Attacken schützt

From  Swapna Patra 0 likes 53 plays 0