Search for tag: "devops"

VMware Tanzu Labs:アプリケーション モダナイゼーション ジャーニーのコントロールを支援

VMware Tanzu Labs は、世界中の組織におけるアプリケーションのビルドとモダナイゼーションを支援し、最新のソフトウェア開発プラクティスの採用を促進しています。詳細については、 をご覧ください。

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From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 1 plays 0  

VMware Tanzu Application Platform の概要

VMware Tanzu Application Platform(TAP)は、モジュール式のアプリ認識型プラットフォームです。パブリッククラウド/オンプレミスの適合するあらゆる Kubernetes クラスタ上に抽象化レイヤーを提供して、アプリ開発における摩擦を緩和します。このビデオでは、TAP を使用してソフトウェアを迅速にビルド/デプロイする際に、インナー ループとアウター…

From  Andrea Jimenez 0 likes 2 plays 0  

基础架构的 DevOps

一款现代基础架构自动化解决方案,可为负责管理关键业务应用的现代基础架构的 SRE 和 IT 运维人员提供强大的工具。

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From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Supercharge DevOps with Developer Ready Infrastructure


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VMware Tanzu Labs:助力您的应用现代化之旅

VMware Tanzu Labs 帮助世界各地的企业对应用进行构建和现代化改造以及采用现代软件开发实践。了解更多信息并通过 联系我们

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From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 1 plays 0  

VMware Tanzu Application Platform 简介

"VMware Tanzu Application Platform 是一个模块化的应用感知平台,它通过在任何合规的公有云或本地 Kubernetes 集群之上提供一个抽象层,消除了应用开发障碍。本视频介绍使用 Tanzu Application Platform…

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From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 3 plays 0  

利用 VMware Tanzu 获得更多空余时间

聆听三家公司的介绍,了解他们如何通过为开发人员提供所需的工具快速将代码部署到生产环境。T-Mobile、Duke Energy 和 Carina 均使用 VMware Tanzu 创建、发布和管理现代应用。

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From  Gustavo Espanon 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Innovations in Securing Public Cloud

Get to know the latest VMware innovations aimed at providing cloud security teams with cloud native application protection abilities and controls to protect applications over public…

From  Preethika Peramanathan 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Security is Important, Said No Developer Ever

Explore the findings from VMware and Forrester custom research on the ways to get faster SDLC and better development efficiency with enhanced security.

From  Preethika Peramanathan 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Adopt a DevOps Mindset


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From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Adopt a DevOps Mindset

vRealize Log Insight Cloud addresses the need of running health checks run against your applications, infrastructure and native public cloud to ensure the digital experience of users.

From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 919 plays 0  

Deliver AI and Developer Ready Infrastructure

See how vSphere enables developers and data scientists access the infrastructure they need to do their jobs.

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From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 485 plays 0  

vRealize Automation Feature Focus "Deploying and e-commerce app using Vmware Cloud and AWS RDS"

Francisco Hernandez is a Senior Technical Manager at VMware. In this video, he shows us how to deploy an e-commerce app using Vmware Cloud and AWS RDS.

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From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 55 plays 0  

vRealize Automation Feature Focus "Adding Security to Infrastructure Pipelines"

Mandy Botsko-Wilson is a Principal Architect at VMware. In this video, she shows us how to implement DevSecOps by configuring security with infrastructure pipelines.

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From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 89 plays 0  

DenizBank transformed its structure with VMware

DenizBank wanted to decrease costs, inefficiencies and complexities. Now, in addition, they achieved performance and a stable platform.

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From  Priyadarshini Sathya 0 likes 52 plays 0  

Build Apps and Ship Code Faster with Tanzu

VMware's Dormain Drewitz delves into Kubernetes, Tanzu, and the mindset you need to quickly and securely build, run, manage and protect your cloud-native apps or modernize your current apps.

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